Through the traditions of the Knights of Columbus, our local council is organized to reach out to the St. Mary’s and Holliston communities through committees of Church, Community, Youth and Council.
For our Church, we cook meals, serve food, “adopt” a seminarian, lead prayer groups, rake leaves, spread mulch, and help with other small maintenance projects.
For our Community, we donated over $320,000 to charitable organizations & activities in the past 15 years. We assist senior citizens, hold electronic recycling events, and host an annual Red Cross blood drive. In 2023, our Annual Charity Raffle and Swing for Charity Golf Tournament donated $29,000 to local organizations, veterans’ groups, and Autism research.
For the Youth in the area, we annually sponsor a town and district basketball Free-Throw challenge, donate to Boy Scout Eagle Scout projects, and help with St. Mary’s Vacation Bible School summer program.

Visit the KofC Council #14224 Website